This is an utility package where some useful functions frequently needed to identify the best fitted probability distribution model for a given data set are provided.
This package depends, so far, from: BiocParallel, minpack.lm, numDeriv, copula. There are also other dependencies which are included in R by default, e.g., start
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager")) install.packages("BiocManager")
BiocManager::install(c("BiocParallel","minpack.lm", "numDeriv", "copula",
"mclust", "nls2", "cubature", "mixdist"),
Nonlinear Fit of Mixture Distributions
Fisher’s exact test failure can lead to biased results
A concrete example on the application of mixture of copula distributions is available in a tutorial from MethylIT R package:
Association Between Gene Expression and Cytosine DNA Methylation at gene-body